Western Health has advised that Liberty Tower is no longer a Tier 2 exposure site.

Please continue to follow all government health recommendations and advice.

Stay vigilant and stay safe

Updated Security Contact phone number

For non-emergency security requirements please call the following number anytime: 1300 818 519
For all emergencies requiring police, fire or ambulance – always call: 000
Any security callouts that are in direct breach of the Owners Corporation (OC) building rules will be charged back to those responsible for the callout. This includes pranks or vexatious behaviour.
Please refer to the Liberty Tower website for a full listing of the OC building rules:

Water Disruptions Update

Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th May
There will be no water disruptions on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th May.
Further updates will follow on Wednesday regarding disruptions that may occur later this week.

Collins Street Works – Update

Unfortunately, due to contractors not being available, the restoration of the pavement in front of the building and the removal of the fencing was not finalised as it was supposed to be on Saturday 22nd May.
The appropriate stakeholders are working to finalise these works as quickly as possible.

Water Disruptions Update

Information regarding the water disruptions tomorrow (Monday 24th May)
The works being undertaken tomorrow are investigative works, and by their nature, are a bit unknown. The short version of the story is, we should be able to isolate hot and cold water to individual sections of the building, rather than the whole building at once – but at some point, undocumented modifications were made to the building which means this is no longer the case.
Facilities management are therefore performing investigative works to address the situation, and rectify the infrastructure so that we can have more targeted outages when we do the preventative maintenance works later in the week, (and when works are required in the future).
The whole problem is that we simply don’t know yet what we’re going to find, so the first day is going to be a bit frustrating for everyone while we untangle what’s going on in the building’s plumbing systems. Facilities management and building management will post updates here as soon as they are available, and they are very conscious of the need to keep the disruptions to the absolute minimum possible – the plan is for outages to last no longer than 1-2 hours at a time (again with the caveat that there is an element of unknown here and that can’t be 100% guaranteed). At the end of the day, it’s short-term pain for long-term gain: once facilities management get a better idea of what’s happening, they’ll be able to give much more specific information for the rest of the week, and for future outages.
And as before, keep an eye on this page for updates as they are available.

Collins Street Works – Update

The Owners Corporation (OC) Committee has been advised that the works in front of the building have been completed and that the bluestone paving will be reinstated tomorrow (Saturday 22nd May) and the fencing removed shortly afterward.

Water Disruptions Update

In preparation of the water works commencing Tuesday 25th May, there will be intermittent interruptions to water throughout the day on Monday 24th from 8:00am – 4:00pm.
Further updates will follow from Monday 24th regarding the water disruptions.

Upcoming Water Disruptions

Tuesday 25th May – Thursday 3rd June
Specific disruption times over this period will be provided shortly via this Facebook Group as well as on the digital screens in each lift at Liberty Tower.
If you require an alternative form of communication regarding the water disruptions please contact the Building Manager.

Collins Street Works – Update

Hi Everyone, the OC Committee has been advised that the works taking place in front of the building will continue this week till Friday 14th May.

Collins Street Works

Hi Everyone,
Works will commence Monday 3rd – Friday 7th May on Collins St in front of Liberty Tower to resolve the ‘Ground floor odour’ issue.
Temporary construction barriers will be erected and traffic management personnel will be onsite to direct pedestrian movement.

Ground floor odour notice

(as at 28th April, 2021)
This communication has been prepared by Committee Members working on the Owners Corporation Committee (OC). Over the last 3 – 4 weeks there has been an ongoing plumbing issue from one of the ground-floor lots. Thisissue has resulted in a strong sewage odour at ground level around the building and has at times seeped into the interior of the building.
The OC, its management company and its facilities management company have been working with the relevant ground floor stakeholders to resolve this situation. The City of Melbourne’s Health and Wellbeing department and City West Water are also involved in resolving this issue.
The problem is two-fold and requires a resolution on two separate fronts which all relevant stakeholders are working on:
● Ground floor odour
An appropriate disposal method of the sewage entering the ground floor lot needs to be addressedimmediately. To date it appears the way in which the problem has been dealt with has amplified the odour at street level. The OC and its key stakeholders are working with the appropriate regulatory bodies to have this situation rectified as quickly as possible.
● Building interior odour
The plumbing issue identified above has also resulted in sewage making its way into the building’s basement. Recent damage to a pump located in the basement has prevented the required cleaning process to begin. The following steps are being implemented immediately to resolve all odours from this mishap.
These include:
o Replacing the pump that has been damaged
o Removing and safely cleaning the basement of all sewage
o Implementing appropriate ventilation to clear out any residual smells from the interior of the building caused by the sewage
o In resolving the odour within the building, the appropriate contractors are being engaged to determine any additional measures required to remove residual smells in common areas, in particular in residential hallways. Ie. ventilation, air freshening, carpet steam cleaning, etc
The OC will continue to provide regular updates on the progress of this situation via the screens in the lifts, as well as the Liberty Tower facebook group and Liberty Tower website.
We hope to resolve this situation as quickly as possible for all of us.